Favorite Links!
In addition to the links to specific aircraft walkaround links I'm posting on the appropriate pages, you may find the sites below to be of some interest as well.
Hyperscale, run by Brett Green, is an awe-inspiring site for anyone interested in aircraft modeling. Very highly recommended!
If you enjoy offbeat, philosophical humor or enjoy watching the hideous jabbering head of a deceased American president, then www.blackandcravey.com is the site for you...
Troy White is a fantastic, award winning artist with an insatiable appetite for accuracy. His works are on exhibit in many galleries, including the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum, the Charlotte, NC International Airport, and Virginia Bader Fine Arts, Limited. Troy's work has also been featured in numerous individual and group exhibits. Click on the banner to visit his website at www.starduststudios.com and prepare to be amazed!
I'd like to publicly thank the Three Steves of Aircraft Resource Center (and Steve Stohr, specifically) for their support of DetailSITE; Steve Stohr has contributed a walkaround of Mark Martin's Zerex NASCAR car that should be up shortly. The ARC is a great all-inclusive site, with model reviews, jokes, and walkarounds as well!
There's a friend of mine near Jacksonville named Ernie Boyette who has undertaken a mammoth project; document in profile as many living aces of all nationalities as possible, and have these men (and women) available at public shows to tell their stories. In fact, thanks to Ernie I've met men like Horst Petzschler, Don McGee, Charles Brown and Franz Stigler (and Ugo Drago, by proxy...thanks, Ernie!). Ernie's site, Famous American Aviators, has some great profiles, and his ambitious schedule is listed there as well. I support Ernie's shows whenever I can, and I'd like to invite everyone to visit his website and show your support as well.