About DetailSITE:
I've created DetailSITE as an aid to modelers, historians, and otherwise interested people around the world. As a modeler myself, I gradually learned that you don't always get what you pay for, and usually you have to dig up more references if you want to make an ACCURATE representation of whatever it is you're building. Okay, that's fine...but when you're a poor schlub like me who can't afford to shell out 40-50 bucks for that obscure Estonian publication with four 5x7 glossy color photos of the throttle quadrant in the Überunterheißescheiße FwB-988 with the rare 3.7 mm offset purple tinted eyepiece in the gunsight, what are you going to do? Well, if you're like me, you eventually get a chance to take a bunch of photos of the parts you need and wind up filing them away for "someday".
Well, "someday" is here. This site is for folks like you and me who live with something of a budget, and who can't afford to purchase all those wonderful literary works from around the globe...not that there's anything wrong with books, of course! My intentions are to keep this site free for anyone to visit and get hi-res pictures of esoteric details (such as the wingfold of the Curtiss Helldiver), as well as provide links to other sites on the web which will provide further details of a given subject. I've been extremely fortunate to have the support and assistance of modelers, historians, researchers, collectors, artists, and all my friends from around the world in creating and maintaining DetailSITE since its launch on 27 June 2000, and I certainly hope you find this site to be helpful (or at least interesting)!
Please bear in mind these pictures are copyrighted, and remain the sole property of the photographer, so don't snag'em and publish'em without consulting with me first. Using them to complete your model is perfectly OK, though!
Now, what about your
Webmaster? :-)
(Let us consult the Book of Lynn, chapter One, verse 1 through whatever...)
It has been brought to my attention that the following inspired piece of literature, composed late at night after consumption of an unnamed beverage, appears to contradict traditional Christian teachings of only one Virgin birth...the previous edition of this bio would have a reader believe my father somehow gave birth to me via his alimentary canal, as well as raising me single-handedly. This, clearly, is false and I have corrected this in order to call attention to my lovely mother, Peggy, who has gone to great lengths to foster and further my aviation addiction (such as free passes to Farnborough in 1992, innumerable Airman and Janes' Defence Weekly magazines, and putting up with copious glue and paint fumes in my bedroom). Thanks, Mom! :-)
1. And it came to pass, in the latter part of the Year of Our Lord 19 and 67, that a child was brought forth in Newport News, Virginia. The mother of the child, Peggy the Loving, labored long and hard to bring him forth, and briefly considered securing a large plunger-type apparatus until Lynn decided it was high time to exit, stage left. Having not fulfilled any particular prophecy aside from that of actually showing up roughly when he was supposed to, he was named Lynn, and the crowds did disperse within a short time, muttering amongst themselves which causeth the Hospital Administrator to shush the heathens.
2. Verily, he grew as though he were a weed, and hath initially learned of Aircraft from his father John, who was begat by Marcus and Carolyn, and who hath married Peggy, who was begat by Lorraine and Stanford, who was begat by (Skip a bit, brother...)
7. And Lou, the Angel of the Lord, did appear, calling unto him "Lynn! How many times must I tell thee, staple not thy brother's fingers together!" And Lou the Angel was troubled, and did cast all manner of dispersion upon Lynn for his impertinence and nasty habit of eating cat food when the kitty was not nigh, for verily he hath found the crunchy Purina to be like unto a tasty snack. Peggy the Loving did secure the sanctity of the Purina by giving Chex mix unto the children, a practice which continues unto this day.
8. And there came a day when Lynn did cry aloud, and kick and scream and make himself a general nuisance for he hath contracted a fever and other nasty symptoms which causeth his fellow classmates to remark, "Eww, gross!". His mother, Peggy the Loving, did fetch him from the Den of Inequity, and cast him upon the green velvet couch (this being in the Age of Aquarius, when all that was smooth and groovy in the sight of the Lord was cool, man). Thus, he layeth upon the couch within his home whereupon he spied a small gift brought by John the Elder, being his father and wishing to bestow glad tidings upon the ill child as well as show himself to be a rather alright type of fellow.
9. And a shout arose from the couch, or more accurately, the occupant of the couch. "Wow, that's really cool!" sayeth Lynn as he regarded the wondrous gift before him...a 1/72 Revell Messerschmitt Bf109E with several marking options. Peggy the Loving graciously gave her consent for the model to be constructed on the kitchen table in the excruciatingly slow time of approximately one hour, assisted greatly by her donated Scotch tape. And lo, that day was planted a seed, which grew into a lifelong fascination with all things aircraft and modeling related.
If you're interested in seeing some of the models I've built, you can follow this link. I will be posting more to Brett Green's excellent site HyperScale. Thanks for looking!