Focke Wulf Fw190F-8 W.Nr. 931862
Unteroffizier Heinz Orlowski, 9./JG5
This rare Focke Wulf Fw190F-8 was recovered from a Norwegian fjord where it crashed after being downed on 9 February, 1945 by British Mustangs. The pilot, Uffz. Heinz Orlowski, had borrowed "weiße 1" from his Staffelkapitän, and was lucky to survive the unfortunate encounter. Baling out of the burning aircraft, he was too low for his parachute to operate properly, and he bounced into a convenient snowbank. Herr Orlowski survived the war, and now lives in Berlin; he has visited the aircraft once already, and signed the fuselage beneath the cockpit!
This aircraft is currently undergoing restoration at Tom Reilly's Bombertown facility in Kissimmee, Florida. Recovered in the early 1980s, the aircraft was with the Texas Airplane Museum* for a number of years until it's arrival at Reilly's facility in April of 2000. I have been contacted by Richard van Meeteren, the project manager for this restoration, and he has been most patient with my persistent questioning! :-)
I will continue to visit the facility and report on the restoration process, which is scheduled to last three to five years. The ultimate goal, as with all of Reilly's aircraft, is to restore the aircraft to flying condition, with an original BMW 801D-2 14 cylinder radial. That, my friends, will be a sight to see- an original Focke Wulf operating from the same ramp as Lee Lauderbach's Mustang Ops!
Click on the thumbnailed photographs below for a full sized image.
July: Pictures submitted by Paul Begin of various cockpit bits, the
flapwell, and a closeup of the FuG16zy radio unit! Thanks go to Paul for
these shots; he apologizes for the blurry radio pic, and has promised to reshoot
when he can. A note of caution, the pictures are huge and will take a
while to load.
28 June: Wheel well pictures of the Fw190S at the RAF Museum; taken in 1992. The aircraft has (or had) occasional engine runs, so this approximates the condition of an operational aircraft, oil drips and all!
Mainwheel, back Mainwheel, front Tailwheel, stbd Tailwheel well
Tailwheel well door First aid kit recess Me by fuselage Orlowski's signature
Pilot's storage hatch Stbd. canopy track Bare cockpit Canopy perspex
Early gun hood interior Gun hood hinge Cowl panel fastener Eismeer emblem
BMW 801D-2 engine Center engine support Port wheel well Port trailing edge
Port cannon bay cover Stbd aft spar pickup Stbd cannon bay Misc. parts
Bf109G droptank rack Standard drop tank Bonus picture #1! Bonus picture #2!
fittings and filler point RAF Museum RAF Museum
Fw190S wheelwell Fw190S wheelwell
Instrument panel FuG16zy radio Starboard flap well